Village of Oregon Public Art

Art Fair - June 14, 2025

Exhibitor Information


Application Fee: $80.00 for a 10 x 10 booth. There are only 4 covered spaces available in the shelter, and limited to a 8’ x 8’ booth. (Apply Early)
Fee covers 10 x 10 area in shelter or grassy area. Tents are required for set-ups outside of shelter, with appropriate weights a>ached to each leg for the safety and protec?on of your art and that of your neighboring ar?sts. NOTE: See guidelines regarding cut-off date for cancela$on and refund of booth fee. All art must be displayed within your booth space, including on outside walls of your tent. Chairs may be set up just outside the front your booth space. Spaces will be assigned prior to the event and volunteers will be available during set up to show you where you will be located. Loading and unloading in the main parking lot is allowed, but you will be expected to move your vehicle following your set up. Tables and chairs are not provided. 

Jury Fee: $25.00 (non-refundable) No Exceptions will be Given


The application for the Village of Oregon Art Fair is included above, or can be printed at the Village website homepage. Applications must be postmarked by March 31st, 2025. Two separate checks must be included with your mailed application, $25 for the Jury Fee, and $80 for each booth. Images for the jury review must be sent via email to:

Mail completed application & checks to: Jason Mahnke, Public Art Committee Secretary, 405 N. Main Street, Oregon, WI  53575.


  • Participation is open to all artists exhibiting their own hand-made, original works of high-quality art within the following major categories: Glass, Ceramics, Pottery, Fiber, Painting, Jewelry, Metal, Photography, Sculpture, Paper, Leather, Mixed Media (2D or 3D), Graphics, and Wood.

  • Works of mass production, kits, molds, imports, are not acceptable for this event.

  • No multi-level marketing/network marketing.

  • Only works of art represented in the images provided in your application may be displayed and sold.

  • Artists must agree to be present during the entire event.

  • Artists are responsible for keeping their booth space uncluttered and are expected to clean up their area following the event.

  • Artists are responsible for processing their own sale transactions, including the collection of sales tax.

  • No jury fees will be refunded and if you have been offered a spot to exhibit, and you have accepted the offer, no booth refunds will be available unless there is a medical or extenuating circumstances out of your control. 


  • Artists must submit a total of 5 images, using jpg format, that best represent the high quality and exact nature of the art that will be on display/sale in your booth. Images should include 1 booth display set up.

  • Applications will be considered complete only after images have been received.

  • Please limit your application to no more than 2 unique mediums of work (e.g., glass and painting). Creative work within a single medium (e.g., painting on wood, painting on canvas count as a single medium).

  • Images should be no larger than 1024 pixels on the longest edge

  • Format each image as follows: LastNameFirstName_image1.jpg; LastNameFirstName_image2.jpg; LastNameFirstName_image3.jpg; LastNameFirstName_image4.jpg; LastNameFirstName_image5.jpg

Suggestions: One item per image (unless sold as a set);

The jury reserves the right to set aside any applications that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Please feel free to contact below if you have any questions:
Contact Person: Randy Glysch
Email Address:

APPLICATION CHECK LIST (postmarked by March 31, 2025)

Booth fee is nonrefundable after acceptance to the Village Fair.

  1. $25 jury fee per medium. Make check out to the: Village of Oregon.

  2. $80 booth fee. Make separate check out to Village of Oregon. Returned if not accepted.

  3. Include 2 checks, one check for jury fee, the 2nd for the booth. No applications after 3/31/25. 

  4. Send 5 total images (4 images of work for each medium, 1 booth image) to:

  5. Self-addressed stamped envelope.

  6. Mail completed application & checks to: Jason Mahnke, Public Art Committee Secretary, 405 N. Main Street, Oregon, WI  53575



  • Artists must submit a total of 5 images, using jpg format, that best represent the high quality and exact nature of the art that will be on display/sale in your booth. Images should also include 1 booth display set up.

  • Applications will be considered complete only after images have been received.